Developer guide

Thanks! There are tons of different DNS services, and unfortunately a large portion of them require paid accounts, which makes it hard for us to develop lexicon providers on our own. We want to keep it as easy as possible to contribute to lexicon, so that you can automate your favorite DNS service. There are a few guidelines that we need contributors to follow so that we can keep on top of things.

Setup a development environment

Fork, then clone the repo:

git clone

Install UV if you not have it already:

# On Linux / WSL2
curl -LsSf | sh
# On Windows (powershell)
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Configure the virtual environment with full providers support:

cd lexicon
uv sync --extra full

Activate the virtual environment

# On Linux / WSL2
source .venv/bin/activate
# On Windows (powershell)

Make sure all tests pass:

uvx --with tox-uv tox

You can test a specific provider using:

pytest tests/providers/


Please note that by default, tests are replayed from recordings located in tests/fixtures/cassettes, not against the real DNS provider APIs.

Adding a new DNS provider

Now that you have a working development environment, let’s add a new provider. Internally lexicon does a bit of magic to wire everything together, so you need to create the following Python module where all the code for your provider will settle.

  • src/lexicon/providers/

Where foo should be replaced with the name of the DNS service in lowercase and without spaces or special characters (eg. cloudflare).

Your provider module must contain a class named Provider inheriting from the Provider interface (defined in file). This class must implements the following abstract methods defined by the interface:

  • authenticate

  • create_record

  • list_records

  • update_record

  • delete_record

  • get_nameservers (static method)

  • configure_parser (static method)

Additionally you should implement the following optional method if you plan to do HTTP requests to the provider API:

  • _request

You should review the “Provider conventions” section of the technical workbook to ensure that _authenticate and *_record(s) methods follow the proper behavior and API contracts.

The static method get_nameservers returns the list of FQDNs of the nameservers used by the DNS provider. For instance, Google Cloud DNS uses nameservers that have the FQDN pattern, so get_nameservers will return [''] in this case.

The static method configure_parser is called to add the provider specific commandline arguments. For instance, if you define two cli arguments: --auth-username and --auth-token, those values will be available to your provider via self._get_provider_option('auth_username') or self._get_provider_option('auth_token') respectively.


Several important notes:

  • lexicon is designed to work with multiple versions of python. That means your code will be tested against python 3.8 and 3.11 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

  • any provider specific dependencies need a particular configuration in the pyproject.toml file:

Under the [project.optional-dependencies] block: - create a new extra group for you provider with the list of its optional dependencies, - also add these optional dependencies to the extra group full.

mycustomprovider = ["additionalpackage >= 1"]
full = [
    "additionalpackage >= 1",

Testing your provider

Static code analysis

The project codebase is checked by a linter (flake8) and against types declaration (mypy). Both analysis must pass. You can run them with the following command:

tox -e lint
tox -e mypy

Test against the live API

First let’s validate that your provider shows up in the CLI.

lexicon foo --help

If everything worked correctly, you should get a help page that’s specific to your provider, including your custom optional arguments.

Now you can run some manual commands against your provider to verify that everything works as you expect.

lexicon foo list TXT
lexicon foo create TXT --name demo --content "fake content"

Once you’re satisfied that your provider is working correctly, we’ll run the integration test suite against it, and verify that your provider responds the same as all other lexicon providers. lexicon uses vcrpy to make recordings of actual HTTP requests against your DNS service’s API, and then reuses those recordings during testing.

The only thing you need to do is create the following file:

  • tests/providers/

Then you’ll need to populate it with the following template:

"""Integration tests for Foo"""
from unittest import TestCase

from integration_tests import IntegrationTestsV2

# Hook into testing framework by inheriting unittest.TestCase and reuse
# the tests which *each and every* implementation of the interface must
# pass, by inheritance from integration_tests.IntegrationTestsV2
class FooProviderTests(TestCase, IntegrationTestsV2):
    """Integration tests for Foo provider"""

    provider_name = 'foo'
    domain = ''

    def _filter_post_data_parameters(self):
        return ['login_token']

    def _filter_headers(self):
        return ['Authorization']

    def _filter_query_parameters(self):
        return ['secret_key']

    def _filter_response(self, response):
        """See `IntegrationTests._filter_response` for more information on how
        to filter the provider response."""
        return response

Make sure to replace any instance of foo or Foo with your provider name. domain should be a real domain registered with your provider (some providers have a sandbox/test environment which doesn’t require you to validate ownership).

The _filter_* methods ensure that your credentials are not included in the vcrpy recordings that are created. You can take a look at recordings for other providers, they are stored in the tests/fixtures/cassettes/ sub-folders.

Then you’ll need to setup your environment variables for testing. Unlike running lexicon via the CLI, the test suite cannot take user input, so we’ll need to provide any CLI arguments containing secrets (like --auth-*) using environmental variables prefixed with LEXICON_FOO_.

For instance, if you had a --auth-token CLI argument, you can populate it using the LEXICON_FOO_AUTH_TOKEN environmental variable.

Notice also that you should pass any required non-secrets arguments programmatically using the _test_parameters_override() method. See for an example.

Add new tests recordings

Now you need to run the py.test suite again, but in a different mode: the live tests mode. In default test mode, tests are replayed from existing recordings. In live mode, tests are executed against the real DNS provider API, and recordings will automatically be generated for your provider.

To execute the py.test suite using the live tests mode, execute py.test with the environment variable LEXICON_LIVE_TESTS set to true like below:

LEXICON_LIVE_TESTS=true pytest tests/providers/


Like during the previous section, you will need to feed the relevant authentication parameters as environment variables to the shell running the integration tests.

If any of the integration tests fail on your provider, you’ll need to delete the recordings that were created, make your changes and then try again.

rm -rf tests/fixtures/cassettes/foo/IntegrationTests

Once all your tests pass, you’ll want to double check that there is no sensitive data in the tests/fixtures/cassettes/foo/IntegrationTests folder, and then git add the whole folder.

git add tests/fixtures/cassettes/foo/IntegrationTests

Finally, push your changes to your Github fork, and open a PR.

Skipping some tests

Neither of the snippets below should be used unless necessary. They are only included in the interest of documentation.

In your tests/providers/ file, you can use @pytest.mark.skip to skip any individual test that does not apply (and will never pass)

@pytest.mark.skip(reason="can not set ttl when creating/updating records")
def test_provider_when_calling_list_records_after_setting_ttl(self):

You can also skip extended test suites by inheriting your provider test class from IntegrationTestsV1 instead of IntegrationTestsV2:

from unittest import TestCase

from integration_tests import IntegrationTestsV1

class FooProviderTests(TestCase, IntegrationTestsV1):
    """Integration tests for Foo provider"""



Finally you should add yourself to the CODEOWNERS file, in the root of the repo. It’s my way of keeping track of who to ping when I need updated recordings as the test suites expand & change.